This is the most disdurbing flash I've even seen on Newgrounds. That's just plain evil! "I'm going to cut your throat and use your blood as syrup on my pancakes!" Something has snapped in your brain, I'm not sure what though...
This is the most disdurbing flash I've even seen on Newgrounds. That's just plain evil! "I'm going to cut your throat and use your blood as syrup on my pancakes!" Something has snapped in your brain, I'm not sure what though...
You have to be one of my favourite clocks Rupee. You go to the effort of making your flash decent.
Well, usually I do, GrandfatherClock's birthday and Tails and his GBA DX were just jokes.
For some reason, as soon as I started watching this, I started smiling. A good job mate.
Strawberry, this flash is actually better then the majority of what you've made....
This is great. Such great animating. Very good...
You do you good work Rupee... I also like it how you reply to every review with your submissions.
The CC's work and history have always been interesting to me, I've always wondered about StrawberryClock and how it all began.
Well, glad it educated you a little.
Joined on 3/2/07